Many individuals do not know the answer to this question. Medical payments coverage, often referred to as med-pay, reimburses vehicle occupants for medical bills relating to injuries sustained in an accident, regardless of fault. It usually comes with coverage limits in such amounts as $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000. Med-pay will reimburse for reasonable and necessary medical expenses up to the coverage limit for each person in the vehicle. For example, if there is applicable med-pay coverage and you and a passenger are involved in an accident and incur medical bills, you may each submit those bills for reimbursement under the med-pay provision. This is extremely helpful to those with no health insurance, or carry health insurance with a high deductibles.
Please contact the attorneys at Ledbetter & Titsworth to learn more about how this coverage can help you if you are involved in an automobile accident. 919-297-2372.
Ledbetter & Titsworth is proud to serve car accident victims across the NC Triangle including those in Cary, Apex, Morrisville, Holly Springs, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC, and beyond.