Do you ever see another vehicle driving strangely and erratically and find yourself wondering if that driver is impaired? It can be hard to tell if they’re drunk, distracted or just not very skilled as a driver. No matter what, you likely want to keep your distance.
Spotting drunk drivers does not guarantee they won’t cause accidents. Some look sober right before crashing. But being able to see the proper signs can help you avoid some of these drivers and keep yourself safe, so here are a few of the issues you should look for.
Swerving and weaving
The thing that gets most drunk drivers pulled over is that they tend to swerve all over the road. They can’t make the little corrections as quickly, so the car tends to drift from one side of the road to the other. Sometimes, it drifts all the way onto the shoulder or into the oncoming lanes.
Not reacting properly at controls
Speaking of reacting, they may make mistakes at control systems like stop signs and stop lights. A drunk driver may run a stop sign that they never saw. They may stay in place when a light turns green, rather than driving again.
Speeding up and slowing down
Most drivers maintain the same relative speed as much as possible. A drunk driver may slow down when there’s no reason to do so and then suddenly speed up again.
Almost getting into accidents
One of the most frightening things you can see is a car that keeps almost crashing. Maybe they serve back into the right lane mere seconds before a head-on crash, or maybe they merge without a blinker and another driver has to slam on the brakes. It’s only a matter of time before they cause a complete accident.
If you get injured, you may have options
Have you been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver? If so, you need to know what your legal options are and what steps you can take moving forward. You may be able to seek compensation for medical bills and more.